Compounding and Extrusion
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Compounding And Extrusion

As a pioneer in the development of the closely intermeshing, co-rotating twin screw extruder manufacturer in China, Chuangbo possess unique know-how and an extraordinary wealth of experience in this field.


In compounding and extrusion, various materials are mixed and melted—generally in an extruder of some type—then pelletized. This pelletized material is subsequently processed into a finished or semi-finished part by either molding or extrusion. Most compounding is done on twin-screw extruders of either co-rotating or counter-rotating design. Other types of equipment, such as single-screw extruders, kneaders, and mixers, can also be used to compound materials.


Plastic Compounding in A Twin Screw Extruder

Plastics compounding is the process of adding functionality and value to polymers or polymer systems through melt blending or mixing of additives into a polymer matrix or melt mixing two or more polymers together to make an “alloy”. 


Why is it necessary for the plastic material to go through a compounding step? Many applications need to be enhanced or tailored properties to meet specific requirements. A plastic compounding step where additions can be made helps to satisfy this need. The compounding stage allows for the precise addition of additives, pigment, anti-microbial, scents, etc.


There are three common compounding type machines, they include twin screw, single screw, and hi-intensity mixers. Twin screw compounding is the most popular and versatile compounding method.


Chuangbo offer customers the use of our technical facilities for extrusion and compounding machine. This enables you to test the processing and functional properties of your materials prior to industrial application. Reliable results can be obtained with material quantities as low as 1 kg. Using our facilities to test and optimize your products also has the benefit of enabling your production plants to continue running as normal. This effectively reduces your development costs.


Our compounding extrusion line can be used to manufacture polymer compounds, monolayer films, multilayer films, and deep-drawn components. We also have a comprehensive range of analytical instruments to characterize your raw materials, model products, and their application properties.


Compounding Process

Our custom compounding extruders perform several basic functions: feeding, melting, mixing, venting, and developing die and localized pressure. Various types of extruders can be used to accomplish these goals, including single screw, counterrotating intermeshing twin screw, corotating intermeshing twin screw, and counterrotating non intermeshing twin screw. The type and physical form of the polymer materials, the properties of any additives or fillers, and the degree of mixing required will have a bearing on machine selection.


Twin-screw compounding machines are primarily dedicated to transferring heat and mechanical energy to provide mixing and various support functions, with minimal regard for pumping. Various operations performed via this type of extruder include the polymerizing of new polymers, modifying polymers via graft reactions, devolatilizing, blending different polymers, and compounding particulates into plastics. By contrast, single-screw plasticating extruders are designed to minimize energy input and to maximize pumping uniformity and are generally inadequate to perform highly dispersive and energy-intensive compounding functions.


Why Choose Us

  • Reinforcement of polymers, e.g. through the incorporation of fibers (glass, carbon or natural fibers).
  • Modification of the impact strength of thermoplastics, e.g. by blending with rubber components.
  • Improvement of the dimensional stability and breaking resistance of polymers, e.g. by the incorporation of inorganic fillers, glass beads.
  • Enhancement of the flow and flame retardant properties of polymers, e.g. through the incorporation of low-viscosity substances or flame retardants.
  • Production of polymer blends, e.g. through the mixing of compatible and incompatible polymers.
  • Improvement of the chemical/physical durability of polymers, e.g. through the incorporation of stabilizers, static inhibitors.


Featured Extrusion And Compounding Applications



  Mobile/Whatsapp/WeChat: +86-18963614800
No.111, Xinnengyuan Road, Economic Development Zone, Lishui District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, P.R.China (211215)











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